2024 State Climbing Competition

Feb 19, 2024



On March 9th Vermont Middle and High Schools will compete in the annual Scholastic Indoor Rock Climbing competition! Each team has been competing to be in the top five for a chance to compete at the state competition.

The in-season competitions are what determines what teams will bring ten climbers to the State competition.

Each climber has the goal of climbing their best four climbs during competition. They add up the points from those four climbs, and at the end of the competition, their team score is totaled by adding together their top five climbers total scores from the night.

At the end of February, each team has four competitions worth of points. All four competitions are added together to determine who the top five teams are. Non-qualifying teams can bring their top two climbers to the state competition as well for a chance at individual recognition!

At the state competition, the pressure is on. Climbers won’t be able to see or practice the climbs before the competition like they do during the practice season. Climbers have been building general strength and technique skills to help them in the State competition to try and succeed at climbs they have never practiced. One important aspect of this competition is that climbers are partnered up with someone who is not on their team. There is an emphasis on mutual respect and camaraderie among the climbers and it is truly special to watch them cheer each other on, even as they compete against one another.

Spectators are welcome to watch from our two lofted areas that overlook the gym floor! It is a tradition each year to have a student sing the national anthem to kick off the competition. All of the students will gather to listen to the anthem and the pre-competition speech, which includes the general rules and regulations, as well as brief history of the Scholastic Indoor Rock Climbing Association, abbreviated as SIRCA. We are so incredibly thankful to all the students, coaches, friends, parents, and supporters of this program for making it possible and meaningful to all of the participants. To our competitors, we wish you the best of luck as the 2024 SIRCA season fast approaches its final competition!

Our top five Middle Schools this year:

Rutland Town School

Long Trail Middle School

Mill River Middle School

Rutland Area Christian School

Green Mountain Middle School

Our top five High schools this year:

Burr and Burton Academy

Green Mountain High School

Rutland High School

Long Trail High School

Woodstock High School